an audio visual recap
09.12-15.2019 | Blanc Gallery | Po'Chop | Tiff Beatty | avery r young | Shimmy LaRoux | Felicia Holman


Illuminated by Audre Lorde the services held sept 13-15 were inspired by the lives and work of Elder Lucy Smith, Jackie Ormes and Beauty Turner. Three black women who made Bronzeville their home and allowed their work to nourish their community.

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Beauty's son and sister attended Saturday's service. Larry and Maple Turner arrived forty-five mins before the service. Though we had talked over the phone we had never met. I remember the weight of his hand in mine as we shook hands. Welcoming them into the space. watching as his eyes scanned the brown bags. I'd been so nervous about this moment. Tiff sensing my nerves. guided Larry and Maple around the space. Settling at the altar where our eyes fell on Venise's portrait of Beauty. Larry exhaled and with a grin said "ya'll are my mom's people." During the service he stood at the podium and shared with the congregation reflections on is mom. reminding us that to him. she was simply his mom.

Beauty Turner. A journalist and public housing activist. A mother of three. A self proclaimed “voice for the voiceless.” Who with her G.H.E.T.T.O Bus Tours stood with residents against Chicago Housing Authority’s (CHA) “Plan for Transformation.” We uplift Beauty Turner. Who as a resident of the Robert Taylor Homes for 16 years, guided tourists, activists, and students throughout soon to be demolished CHA complexes. For Beauty, residents opened their homes and shared their experiences living in public housing. We uplift Beauty Turner, a “fighter and a writer.” Donning a black hat. Greeting those she met with “Hey Love.” We uplift Beauty Turner.

October 23, 1957 – December 18, 2008

Devotion is a time of song, prayer and the sharing of our guiding text.

Audre Lorde Beauty Turner Elder Lucy Smith Jackie Ormes

Audre Lorde. A black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet. Who dedicated her life and work to black women in the USA, Germany, Africa, and beyond. We uplift Audre Lorde. Author of 15 collections of poetry, essays and speeches including The Master’s Tools Will Not Dismantle The Master’s House & The Uses of the Erotic & Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. We uplift Audre Lorde who used her diagnosis of cancer as a weapon to combat shame and silence. Who was among the first to write and speak about breast cancer. Living with cancer from 1978-1992 . We uplift Audre Lorde.
February 18,1934 - November 17, 1992