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The Brown Pages | Ed. XVI | Vol. II
The Brown Pages | Edition XVI

Edition XVIII | Vol. II

Handwritten Trust x Po'Chop| Jenn Freeman f
Reaching Hand on The Brown Pages | Po'Chop | Jenn Freeman
Watercolor flower on Po'Chop's The Brown Pages

Woooooooow! It is hard to believe that two months have passed since the last edition. It has been a wonderful whirlwind of performances, a work in progress showing, a retreat, a roadtrip, a new residency, celebrations and more. I"ve missed these pages and hope you have as well. as always remember that the juice is in the details. you are invited and encouraged to go off the beaten path. click, hover, move. ENGAGE. find tricks and treats just for you. Thank you for spending time on The Brown Pages. Enjoy 'em!

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand written Vector
Pipe on The Brown Pages | Po'Chop
Table of Contents | Hand drawn by Jenn Freeman | Po'Chop
Table of Contents
The Brown Pages Logo

choose your Brown Pages journey by using this Table of Contents. Click the section you wish to view and look for The Brown Pages logo to get you back here. 

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Handwritten News Black Ink Po'Chop
I. News

i'm lucky enough to be able to spend my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings in the SSCAC workshop space on the third floor. Each morning i climb the wooden stairs past Natalie, and Mrs. Masequa, past a piano that was one of Gwendolyn Brooks' favorite place to write, past the photo of a swarm of artists outside of the building. i share space with some of Chicago's finest. it is a brisk 8 minute walk from my apartment. i walk to work in the footprints of so many other great women who were doing their work. be on the look out for public events that i'll be hosting in partnership with the community center.  more to come...

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |


The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |

a national treasure

resident artist at

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |




The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |

bts playing with some handmade recreations of jackie ormes paper dress from Torchy Togs.


The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |

lifting as they climbed

if you have been reading The Brown Pages then you already know that this book has been GREATLY influential in my current project Building The People's Church.  

SSCAC + one of its founders and so many artist who were creating in Bronzeville are featured. click the flexing femme to read more about this book and to get your own copy.

lifting as they climbed


if you have been reading The Brown Pages then you already know that this book has been GREATLY influential in my current project Building The People's Church.  

SSCAC + one of its founders and so many artist who were creating in Bronzeville are featured. click the flexing femme to read more about this book and to get your own copy.

Lifting as They Climbed (Back)
Woman Flexing on The Brown Pages
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
FullSizeRender (35).png


Building The People's Church of the G.H.E.T.T.O is gonna be in incubation from  may 20-june 9 at Loyola University. we'll be gathering to create, hatch, and reflect on the lives + work of Audre Lorde, Elder Lucy Smith,  Jackie Ormes & Beauty Turner. i'm excited to be sharing the incubating process with avery r young and Tiff Beatty.

come see what'll be hatching at our work in progress showing June 9th during the Pivot Arts Festival.

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |


The People's Church!

Hand drawn click me vector x Jenn Freeman | Po'Chop
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Invited Presenter @ Burlycon | Po'Chop | The Brown Pages
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Invited Presener on The Brown Pages
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Oval drawn in Pen | The Brown Pages | Po'Chop Burlesque
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Arrow drawn in marker | The Brown Pages

i am excited about being an invited presenter at Burlycon. a weekend long burlesque convention in Seattle. where i'll be teaching Reveling in the Reveal, Basic Burlesque Movement and *DRUMROLL*

lessons from The Brown Pages. that is right, i will be sharing a class about THIS and all that i have learned from that cute, clumsy ass dive i took a year and a half ago when i started The Brown Pages.

i'ma get my powerpoint on BABY!

i am grateful to have started this year off in March by teaching in New Orleans as apart of a retreat hosted by Bella Blue. in one of my classes, Reveling in the Reveal, we read and discussed Uses of the Erotic. popcorn style in a storefront studio. Lorde's words timbering through new voices. wrinkling and booming. unfurling and confusing. it was incredible to experience Audre Lorde for the first time. thru their voices. it is encouraging to still be receiving notes, messages & photos of their own copies of Sister Outsider. 

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
Hand drawn square on The Brown Pages | Po'Chop | Chicago Artist
Notes from teaching Uses of the Erotic at New Orleans Burlesque Retreat
Bent Arrow drawn on The Brown Pages

notes from teaching at the NOLA BURLESQUE Retreat March 2019.

The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
The Brown Pages | Po’Chop | Jenn Freeman | Chicago Artist | Dance | Performance Artist | Hand Drawn Arrow Vector | Sharpie |
bent arrow.png
Next written by hand in cursive
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